Senior Resident Magistrates Court in Mulanje on Tuesday sentenced James Makwinja 40, to six years Imprisonment with Hard Labour for defiling his 15 year-old-step daughter.

Mulanje Police Relations Officer (PRO), Gresham Ngwira said that the 15-year-old-girl has been defiled for two solid years.

He said Mulanje Police Station Prosecutions Officer, Hartwell Kachikonga told the court that Makwinja had been defiling the girl from 2017 up to 2019 in exchange for new clothes.

Ngwira added that Kachikonga said the issue was only brought to light in December 2019 following which law enforcers arrested and charged him with an offence of defilement that contravenes Section 138 of the Penal Code.

Makwinja pleaded guilty to the charge and the court convicted him.

In submission, the state asked for a stiff penalty to the offender, saying Makwinja breached the trust the girl had on her.

In mitigation, Makwinja pleaded for leniency,

Senior Resident Magistrate Shahida Hanif Bakili agreed with the state on the need for a stiff penalty saying defilement cases are rampant in the district and stiff penalties would be necessary.

He sentenced Makwinja to six years IHL saying others should take this as a lesson.

Makwinja hails from Macholowe Village, Senior Chief Nkanda in Mulanje.

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