ZIMBABWE – PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa says that he is failing to control the country’s economy because it is infested with demons.
The President pleaded with churches to come on board and help to fight the ‘demons’ haunting the country.

Speaking at the National Day of Prayer at the Indigenous Interdenominational Council of Churches (ZIICC) at the National Sports Stadium in Harare on Saturday, Mnangagwa told the churches to pray very hard to get rid of the demons.
“We continuously depend on the church for the spiritual guidance, shaping and moulding of individuals and societal moral values,” he said.
“I urge churches to continue fasting and interceding for us in leadership as well as for the realisation of our national vision. God does not give nations bad plans. God gives us good plans to prosper as a country but we need to pray to God for that blessing.
“Through your prayers, fight spiritual wars which our mortal bodies cannot fight. We ask you, churches and the leaders, we ask you to fight those wars spiritually in our country so that we are healed as a country.”
Mnangagwa urged Zimbabweans to refrain from committing sin, bad ways.
“2 Chronicles verse 7-14. ‘If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves; and pray and seek my face; and run away from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.’ Mnangagwa said reading from the bible.
credit : zimeye.net