There are parts of the body where we hardly clean even though we take our baths twice a day or even more. Not that we don’t want to clean those parts but we sometimes forget their existence.

The harsh reality is everyone has parts of the body they don’t clean even without knowing. If you think you are not guilty then you should read this, and you would definitely be surprised.


This is usually common with people that have their navel inwards rather than the ones that protrude. If you notice, when you are having a shower or you are in the bath, you wash your body with soap and water, and you wash down to the stomach leaving the navel that’s inside a hole. This sometimes leave soap residue in the navel making the navel an unwashed part of the body. After a bath, a soft towel should be used to wipe the navel gently.


This part of the body is found in the ear; it is that curvy edge of the ear. We wash our face and around the ear but this part somehow avoids attention and is left idle for probably days, weeks or even months. If you notice, the ear drum is even given more attention than the antihelix. Just use your finger to wipe the edge of your ear, that is the antihelix, and the result would shock you.


This is an area just between the anus and the genitalia. Interestingly, this part of the body hardly gets any attention as all the attention is given to the anus. The perineum is in a delicate spot and much attention should also be given to this place while bathing.


Yes, you would argue that you wash under your feet while bathing but what about the toe neck? The toe neck is that part underneath the toe that links the toe to the feet. That curvy area gets less attention when compared to the foot. The toe neck should be carefully wiped whenever we are taking our bath.


The eyelids doesn’t get much attention when bathing; it gets a haphazard rinsing at best, probably because we don’t want soapy water to enter our eyes or the sort. Ladies even apply make-up to this area but don’t give it same treatment when it’s time for cleaning. Cleaning the eyelids with tissue paper isn’t enough; you can close your eyes and clean your eye lids while bathing or use a damp handkerchief to wipe your eye lids as well.

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