Karonga First Grade Magistrate court on January 24, 2020 convicted and sentenced 59-year-old-Daudi Milanzi to a fine of K150, 000 or serve ten months in prison for damaging two tombstones at Mwahimba Village for unknown reasons.

.Karonga Police Spokesperson, Sub Inspector Frank Black, said Milanzi has been charged with ‘malicious damage’, an offence that contravenes Section 344 of the Penal Code.

The court, through Sergeant Wilfred Khuniwa heard that on June 20, 2019 the accused damaged two tombstones at Mwahimba Village.

The suspect pleaded not guilty to the charge leveled against him, but after the state paraded three witnesses to prove the allegation, he was found guilty by the court.

In submission, the state prayed for stiffer punishment, arguing that the conduct had potential of creating alarm.

In his mitigation, Milanzi asked the court to exercise leniency in giving him punishment. He told the court he looks after his children and older mother, as such, he prayed for a lenient punishment.

In determination, His Worship Julius Kalambo said the maximum sentence of the offence Milanzi committed was five years in jail.

He said the tombstones needed to be repaired; hence the imposition of a fine of K150, 000 or in default the accused should be imprisoned for ten months
Kalambo said K130, 000 would go to the complainant as compensation, and K20, 000 to government as fine. Meanwhile, Milanzi has not paid the fine and is in police custody.

Milanzi hails from Mwahimba Village in Traditional Authority Kyungu in Karonga District.

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