The manhunt for Dedza fugitive mother who killed her own son over K400 (US$50 cents) ended on Thursday with her arrest in Mozambique.

The suspect, Alinafe Navisi aged 40, is believed responsible in the murder of 10 year old son, James Banda, earlier this week.

Banda who was a standard 3 learner at Kalilang’anga primary school, was accussed of stealing K400 belonging to his sister.

He was initially reported as a missing person but later was found dead buried in the pit.

Navisi has been officially handed over to Dedza police station where she is expected to answer a charge of murder contrary to section 209 of the penal code.

In an interview, Navisi told the office of public relations in Dedza, that she killed her son by using a whip.

Navisi told the police that she seriously injured him with a sting of the whip.

“He fell down and fainted , immediately I took him outside my house and buried him in the nearby pit” Navisi narrated.

It is not known if Banda was burried a live since he was not taken to the hospital and was not confirmed dead.

His death was only confirmed later after conducting a postmortem which revealed that the boy’s death was due to suffocation secondary to strangulation.

Meanwhile, Dedza police has hailed Mozambiqican police for helping in the arrest of Navisi.

The suspect hails from Mlangali village in the area of Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza district.

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