By Misheck Msumba

Speaker of National Assembly Catherine Gotani Hara says Parliament will start deliberating Constitutional court orders pertaining to fresh election starting next week Monday, when the August house starts meeting.

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Hara also says Public Appointments Committee of Parliament will start meeting tommorow, Friday to look into appointment authority of MEC Commissioners as to MEC it clear who is appointing authority of MEC as ordered by the Concourt.

She says Parliament will even be meeting weekends to meet a 21 days of the court order on the directives.

Hara says the court Interpretation to have a 50+1 system in presidential election already exists in the Malawi’s Constitution. As the Parliamentarians will just enable some gaps into the system of 50+1.

She says for example, the August House will look into how many candidates will have to contest in the event of a rerun in accordance with the 50+1 and when will a rerun be done.

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