Salima District Health Office (DHO) has said it was set to fight any possible cholera outbreak amid reports that some districts have recorded some cases.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Wednesday, Salima District Environmental Health Officer (DEHO), Reuben Chikadza said the district has put in place some preparedness strategies aimed at maintaining a cholera free status of the district.

“We will soon start awareness campaigns to our communities aimed at enhancing an understanding of the disease on prevention and preparedness. We would want ensure that we maintain the cholera free status of our district,” he pointed out.

The DEHO said just like any other districts, Salima was prone to cholera hence the districts efforts to ensure that everything is in place should any case occur.

Chikadza said the district was using community radio stations to disseminate messages on prevention as well as management of cases.

“We are ensuring that our health personnel are well knowledgeable on cholera case management. On top of that we are also using our local radio stations to disseminate messages,” he said.

Meanwhile, the DHO has started distributing chlorine to health centres so that it is distributed to communities around them.

Chikadza commended the support the health office is receiving from partners in the district to help in cholera preparedness.

He said World Vision supported the DHO with 200 kg of chlorine, while UNICEF provided 100 water testing kits and five tons of chlorine.

“I would like to commend organisations such as World Vision and UNICEF for supporting us in our efforts through provision of chlorine and water testing kits. This collaboration is what makes us a cholera free district,” the DEHO said.

Meanwhile, three confirmed cholera cases have been registered in the country since the rains started and all are from Blantyre according to Ministry of Health spokesperson, Joshua Malango.

Source: Mana

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