Zomba Magistrate Ben Chitsakamire who quashed warrant of arrest of business tycoon Thom Mpinganjira weeks ago will appear before a disciplinary hearing today.

Apart from Chitsakamire, Lawyer Lusungu Gondwe will also appear before the disciplinary hearing today for his conduct on the matter.

The development follows the official lodging of complaints by the Registrar of the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal to the Judicial Service Commission and the Malawi Law Society over the duo’s misconduct.

Two weeks ago, High Court Judge Dorothy NyaKaunda Kamanga ordered disciplinary action for the two following the unlawful cancellation of a warrant of arrest for business magnate, Thomson Mpinganjira.

Mpinganjira was arrested for allegedly attempting to bribe the Judges who were handling the Presidential election case.

It is said that Mpinganjira offered the Judges Mk100 million to rule in favour of President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) but the Judges rejected the cash.

Meanwhile Mpinganjira is out on bail.

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