The panel of five judges at the Constitutional Court has this morning resumed the sitting to hear the application by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to stay the court’s ruling on nullification of the May 21, 2019 presidential election.

According to Justice Healy Potani, the proceedings will not have translations.

Justice Potani also added that each party will be given 30 minutes to make its argument expect for the friends of the court ho will be, given 20 minutes.

The court is expected to make its ruling by 4 pm today.

President Peter Mutharika and the Malawi Electoral Commission applied for a stay and also filed appeal notices.

Mutharika indicated 138 grounds of appeal before the Supreme Court but stressed he would not object to the fresh poll coming in less than 150 days.

Law expert, Professor Garton Kamchedzera took a swipe at Mutharika’s legal team for allegedly failing to provide critical and honest advice to their client, claiming the appeal was only meant to delay the implementation of the Court ruling.

Among others, the verdict concluded that Mutharika was not duly elected as Malawi President.

United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Saulos Chilima who is also the first petitioner in the presidential election results case has been seen at the court where the hearing is taking place

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