By Steven Godfrey Mkweteza

A young philanthropist cum mentor, Eleanor Bisika-Banda has launched her debut motivational book entitled ‘ Inside you’.

Launching the book at Goldern peacock Hotel in Lilongwe, Banda said the motive behind the book publication was to encourage, motivate, inspire and give hope to people.

“I realised that as humans, we have unlimited potential but we don’t use it. We doubt ourselves and we don’t take up challenges. God blessed us with 100 percent or 15 percent.Therefore, i want people to realise their big potential and to start using it,” Banda said.

Banda added that,” people should believe in themselves and in their God given capabilities. They have to understand that they are fully equipped for the race and the fight that is before them if they believe.”

According to Banda, the book target a wide age group, from age of definition(teenage) adult age and even all the way, to age of reflection(older age).

Banda challenged that the book will be the break through to the declining traditional culture of reading and writing prevailing in the country.

” The book has less than 100 pages and is written in very simple English for the readers to easily understand. We wanted people to enjoy reading it and realising that most people are not in a reading habbit, we didn’t want it to be too long,” said Banda.

Guest of honour at the launch, the principal secretary in the ministry of education, science and technologies Justine Saidi emphasized on the need for hard work and patience in life.

He shared accounts of his life story, saying that he has been extremely hard working and patient and that he did’nt see limitation but possibilities in his life.

Saidi was concurring with what the book is saying that people must believe in themselves.

” Look, i started out as a primary school teacher, but today iam the principal secretary for the ministry of education. That took alot of hard work, alot of belief in oneself and patience,” said Saidi.

The glamorous event was also graced by the director of economic affairs at the ministry of finance Dr Mafuta Mwale.

One of the participants who bought the book Jonas Masewo appreciated the message the book carries.

He said the book is very encoraging, very motivating and that after reading the book, he is challenged to make a difference in his life.

The book is selling at MK4,500 and is available in claim bookshops across the country, maneno bookshops as well as with the author herself and her direct sales team.

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