Liwonde First Grade Magistrates Court sitting at Phalula Wednesday sentenced 70 year old David Makonza to eight years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) upon finding him guilty of defilement.

Balaka Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), Felix Misomali said that the man defiled three minors aged 11, 12 and 13 between September 2019 and January 2020.

He said Balaka Police Station Prosecution Officer, Inspector Richard Kandeya told the court that Makonza enticed and slept with the young girls at his farmland at Chiyembekezo Village under Inkosi Chanthunya in the district.

The Police Publicist said on January 12, 2020, one of the minors had difficulties in walking, a development that forced her mother to enquire about what had happened.

“The minor revealed that together with the other girls, Makonza had been defiling them since September 2019. The minor said the suspect gave each girl a K200 note every time he had sex with them.

“The other young girls corroborated their colleague, saying the suspect also taught them how to perform some rituals so that they dont face sexual problems once they were married,” Misomali added.

According to the PRO, upon receipt of the matter, the victims parents reported it to Phalula Police Unit where they were referred to Phalula Health Centre for medical examination and treatment.

“At the facility, the tests confirmed that the victims were defiled and that they had acquired sexually transmitted infections,” he added.

Liwonde First Grade Magistrate, Jones Masula convicted the accused for defilement which is contrary to section 138 (1) of the penal code, and handed him an eight year jail term for each count. The sentences will run concurrently.

Makonza comes from Vuvuta Village in the area of Sub Traditional Authority (STA) Nyanyala in Balaka.

Source: Mana Online

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