In Nigeria, 18-year-old girl has been arrested by police for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend to death over three thousand Naira.

The Ogun state police arrested the 18-year-old girl Idowu Abosede for stabbing her boyfriend, Aliyu Ibrahim in Sagamu area of the state.

Aliyu Ibrahim

According to the state Police command spokesperson, Abimbola Oyeyemi, the girl and her boyfriend were involved in an argument when she unfortunately stabbed him to death. Abosede was arrested following reports.

Police officers were said to have been taken to the scene of the crime, where a blood-stained knife was recovered.

“On interrogation, the suspect claimed that she came to pass the night with the deceased and when it was morning, she took the sum of N3,000 from the deceased which he was not ready to part with. This led to an argument between them,” police report read.

It is further said that it was the deceased who brought out the knife and in the cause of dragging it with him, the knife stabbed him on his chest.

The body of the deceased has been handed over to his relations on demand for burial according to Islamic injunctions.


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