Northern Region is proving to be a no go zone for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as its supporters on Thursday were stoned and booed by onlookers in Mzuzu City.

DPP supporters led by the Party’s Secretary General Greizelder Jeffrey organized a peaceful protest in Mzuzu dubbed ‘Justice Restoration March’.

Just after the DPP supporters started marching at Katoto Ground onlookers started pelting stones and it took the intervention of the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) soldiers to calm down the situation.

Things also turned around just after presenting the petition at Mzuzu civic offices as supporters remained stranded for almost an hour at the offices for fear they would be attacked by people that stood along the street waiting for them.

Some of the people that were clad in Dpp regalia during the protests have since taken off party colours changing to civilian clothes.

A few courageous ones that are able to return to town are being booed and called names.

Currently quite a good number is still stuck at the civic offices apparently awaiting vehicles to ferry them back where they came from.

More details to come…

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