Karonga First Grade Magistrate’s court on February 25, 2020 convicted and sentenced a 34-year-old man, Emmanuel Chavula to serve 8 years imprisonment with hard labour for burglary and theft.

The court heard that during the night of 26 to 27 November, 2019, Chavula broke into the house of Annie Kumwenda and stole one 32 inches TV plasma, one DSTV decorder, two laptop bags, three cell phones and a remote control all worthy K434, 000.

Chavula was answering two counts, burglary contrary to section 309(a) and theft contrary to section 278 of the penal code.

During court proceedings, the convict denied all the charges levelled against him thereby prompting the state to parade four witnesses who proved the case beyond all reasonable doubt.

In his submission, State prosecutor Evans Mtepuka told the court that burglary is one of the serious offences in the country that attracts a maximum penalty of death or life imprisonment.

Mtepuka further told the court that cases of burglary are common in the district and across the country. He therefore prayed for the court to pass a stiff sentence to Chavula to deter would be offenders.

In mitigation, Chavula asked for court’s leniency because he is the only bread winner for his family.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Julius Kalambo concurred with the state on the seriousness of the offence.

He therefore sentenced Chavula to 8 years imprisonment with hard labour for burglary and 2 years on theft. The sentences to run concurrently.

Emmanuel Chavula hails from Lupembe Village in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu in Karonga district.

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