Some Members of Parliament have expressed dissatisfaction for the house to be adjourning without tackling the issue regarding confirmation of acting Inspector General (IG) of Police Duncan Mwapasa.

Kasungu South East legislator Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda said Malawi cannot be operating with the authority of an acting IG which is not provided for in the laws of the country.

Mzimba South East legislator Ackson Kalaile Banda also expressed the same concern.

But Speaker Catherine Gotani Hara says it is government that brings such agendas in the House.

Mwapasa’s planned confirmation has been appearing on the order paper but was not tabled in the House. Last time, Parliament also failed to confirm the IG.

Parliament has been meeting for the past three weeks and adjourns sine die today Friday, 28 February 2020.


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