The High Court in Zomba is today expected rule on whether Misozi Chanthunya has case to answer or not in the murder of his girlfriend Linda Gasa, fourth year student at Malawi College of Accountancy (MCA).

Chanthunya, is being accused of murdering his girlfriend, Gasa, in August, 2010.

The High Court in Zomba finished hearing all witnesses from the state on the alleged murder early last month.

The first one to testify was Detective Senior Superintendent, Noel Munthali from Criminal Investigation Department at Police Headquarters in Lilongwe who demonstrated on Power Point through videos and still pictures showing how they received the body of Gasa which was buried inside the cottage of the accused person in Mangochi.

Chanthunya was extradited back to Malawi on April 1, 2018 after government received communication from South African Interpol to send escorts to collect him.

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