In a horrific incident, a sixty-one-year-old British woman was killed during a suspected dog attack at her dog shelter in Egypt.

The now deceased, Janet Stone, was discovered on Friday morning at her dog sanctuary which she owned. She sustained bite wounds all over the body from the suspected dog attack.

According to reports, prior to the attack, the woman reportedly had taken to Facebook to vent out her frustration over how the shelter no longer had enough food for the animals.

She also revealed that some dog owners who had their pets cared for at the sanctuary did not contribute towards the wellbeing of the animals, and pleaded with people who owe the shelter money to pay as it would be spent on feeding the dogs.

She concluded her post by leaving payment details.

“We tried but we didn’t raise enough money for the food to be purchased. So the dogs couldn’t be fed today. Thank you a million times for those who donated and shared,’ reads an excerpt from her social media post.”

However, some social media users were up in arms after Egyptian media reported that the dog shelter owner was killed by dogs she cared for. They refuted the claims and stated that it was impossible that she was killed by dogs she took care of.

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