A Man In Zimbabwe who happens to be a transport manager working at a Guruve farm was recently exposed of allegedly bedding his workmate’s wife on several occasions at different lodgings.
According to reports,the philanderer, Pio Murambiwa had a romantic affair with his co-worker, Lloyd Gunyungo’s wife and was only caught after the husband got wind of their sexcapades.

Emmilia Chimbwanda, a school teacher at Kondo High School, allegedly took advantage of her husband’s absence to satisfy her sexual urges by having sex with Murambiwa.
The couple’s 16-year marriage has collapsed as result of Chimbwanda’s infidelity. Speaking to reporters, a heartbroken Gunyugo revealed the heart-rendering details of his wife’s affair.
“I am pained by this discovery following a tip-off from the person who had been acting as a messenger.
The affair started when I was away last year in March, and I’m reliably informed that they have been having intimate times at Mazowe Hotel and at a lodge in Glendale.
I discovered that my wife was cheating on me with our transport manager, who is just a nobody, so I could not take such a painful experience hence I divorced her”.
Contacted for comment, Chimbwanda professed ignorance of the alleged affair.
‘What you are saying is not true, I have never been involved in such actions.
I can even give you the phone and speak to my husband, but he is taking a bath,’ explained Chimbwanda.
Murambiwa refuted the claims, saying he is not privy to the case and only knows the couple as they live on the same farm.
‘I do not know this case, I only know the couple as people whom I live with on the – same farm,’ he said.