Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and United Democratic Front (UDF) have set a limit to opposition parties in the country by declaring the eastern region district Mangochi a no go zone for the Anti-DPP, UDF.

The declaration was made yesterday when the two parties held joint march in the district disapproving the Constitutional Court ruling which nullified the May 21, 2019 presidential elections.

The message carried in the placards, videos and audios by the disgruntled DPP-UDF supporters clearly gave a strong warning to opposition parties who dare to hold political rallies in the district that ‘aona nyekhwe’ (they will face problems).

According to them (DPP-UDF), followers, they do not want change as they have already made their decisions saying the district belongs to DPP and UDF parties, declaring it uncomfortable place for the opposition.

“DPP and UDF are the only parties allowed here,” said the supporters.

In the past years, Malawi has been dived by political parties whereby each party strive in creating a strong base where they are assured of having more votes and supporters.

Commenting on the matter, UDF spokesperson Ken Ndanga said such behavior should not be allowed for Malawi belongs to all.

“Gangs regardless of which part of Malawi they emerge from must be condemned in the strongest terms. If we selectively condemn gangs then we are worse than the gangs themselves,” Ndanga said.

“There are no go zones for anyone in Malawi,” stressed Ndanga.

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