84 year-old Zimbabwean man Sekuru Tauzen Mujaji who is holding a record of fathering 108 children from 25 women, says he is hoping to have many more.

According to locals Mujaji who hails from Chipinge South fathered all 108 children in the space of 43 years.

According to Zimbabwe Today, Mujaji of the Shangani tribe was born in 1930, but he suffered “traditional challenges” that temporarily delayed his ability to procreate. He eventually had his first born child in 1974, when he was already 44.

The only child of his parents, Mujaji says he has always desired to have a large family, despite the obvious challenges that come with it.

According to the octogenarian, his prolific birth rate comes naturally: he has never had to use fertility enhancements. In fact, some of his wives admit that he is quite the charmer who they find irresistible even to this day.

Mujaji says he is willing and strong enough to father even more children if he could find a way to support and cater to his large family.

He currently has 10 wives and 35 children living with him, while the rest of his family has left for neighboring South Africa in search of greener pastures.

And Mujaji is currently receiving governmental support: His household recently received support from Enock Porusingazi, a local member of parliament, who donated provisions and several food items to the family. The MP promised to assist the family with financial support as well as land for farming.

In February, the Zimbabwean parliament moved a curious motion calling on the government to give out incentives to couples who strive to have eight or more children.

According to the motion, the government wants to encourage population growth to attract foreign investment to the country.

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