Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has announced plans of shutting down the State House on March 25 with an aim of forcing President Peter Mutharika to assent electoral ammendments bills which passed by parliament last month.

This has been said at a press briefing which was organized by the coalition in Lilongwe, this follows Mutharika’s disregard of their ultimatum to assent electoral amendment bills within 7 days.

According to HRDC chairperson Timothy Mtambo, Mutharika is messing with the future of Malawians hence making them angry.

Mtambo added that the demonstrations are looking forward to host at least 5 million people.

“Signing the bills is within the president’s mandate, we are requesting him to sign the bills because we are running out of time. There are less than 150 days to conduct fresh elections as ordered by the Constitutional Court,” said Mtambo.

He added that Mutharika should inspire the nation by reacting to the things that are happening in the country instead of contradicting himself.

On the fresh elections, expected to be held in May, Mtambo said they want the polls to be free and fair. He further called on Malawians to reject any form of registration by the current Malawi Electoral Commission which he said is compromised.

Mtambo also commented on the arrival of three Israeli intelligence experts who are on State House business saying the three are putting the security of this country at risk. He asked State House to clarify on the arrival of the Israelis.

Mtambo then warned cabinet ministers especially Minister of Information Mark Botomani to avoid threatening the grouping on social media saying they are not afraid of anyone.

He also asked the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to act on the Msundwe rape issue in which police officers are suspected of raping women at Msundwe.

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