President Peter Mutharika has said he is ready to stand again and win if the Supreme Court rules against their favor and fresh presidential elections takes place.

Mutharika said this on Sunday at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre where Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held a joint political rally with United Democratic Front (UDF).

After the Constitutional Court nullified the May 21, 2019 presidential elections, Mutharika came in the open and opposed the judgment described as “Miscarriage of justice’ prompted him to appeal against the judgment.

“If the Supreme court rules against our appeal am ready to stand and win again,” Mutharika said.

In response to the Court judgment, DPP supporters held demonstrations across the country which they dubbed ‘Restoration of Democracy’ as they believe that the judgment robbed their victory.

United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Saulos Chilima and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) won the presidential elections case where they prayed to court seeking for nullification of the May 21, 2019 presidential elections as they believed that they were marred with serious irregularities.

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