Malawi Congress Party (MCP) will hold national wide protest on Thursday, March 12, 2020, faceofmalawi can reveal.

The announcement of the protest comes barely a day after MCP President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera threatened to mobilize 5 million Malawians to march to State House with an aim of forcing President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to assent into law the electoral reform bills passed by Parliament.

MCP through its administrative secretary has since filed notices in councils in all major cities of the country (Lilongwe City Council, Blantyre City Council, Zomba City Council, Mzuzu City Council) of the planned national wide protest.

“In exercise of our constitutional right under section 38 of the Constitution of Malawi and mindful of the requirement under section 96 of the Malawi Police Act I write to notify you that the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has planned a national-wide peaceful demonstration on March 12, 2020 from 7:30 in the forenoon,” reads in part the letter.

Below is the letter;

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