Residents of Senior Chief Mkumbira in Nkhata Bay District last Friday marched to the District Commissioner’s office to ask the office to force ADMARC to sell maize.

One of the concerned persons, Mary Banda, said the delay in the sale of maize by ADMARC has affected her family, saying the persistent rains in the district has made staple food, Kondowole (dried cassava flour) to be scarce.

“There is no sunlight to dry our cassava, hence the need for us to buy maize at ADMARC deports in the district,” Banda explained.

Banda said the persistent rains have also affected the communities in the lakeshore district economically since there is little catch (of fish) from the lake.

Another resident, Jackson Zimba, said the maize selling process by Nkhata Bay ADMARC was always stressing because of alleged bribes and that the maize is mostly sold to vendors.

Nkhata Bay District Director of Administration, George Chisuse advised ADMARC officials to adequately inform people in the affected areas about the availability of maize, saying without information, very few people benefit from it.

But one of the ADMARC workers who spoke on condition of anonymity said when the maize arrived on Thursday evening the sale was stopped to wait until Tuesday (this week) so that people living in distant places of the district are communicated about the food commodity for fair distribution.

Source : MANA

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