Two Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) leaders Gift Trapence and Mac Donald Sembereka are on their way back to Lilongwe.

This follows an order by Lilongwe High Court to have the two human rights activist back in the capital where they were arrested.

According to Peter Minjale, lawyer for the two, this follows the order issued by Judge Kenyatta Nyirenda at Lilongwe High Court that their case be heard in the capital.

Today Blantyre magistrate Court was expected to start hearing of a case involving the two leaders, but failed due to the order.

The two were arrested following a press conference HRDC held, where the leaders said they would lead a 5 million man march to State House to force President Peter Mutharika to assent to electoral reform bills.

Two HRDC officials MacDonald Sembereka and Gift Trapence are now being taken to Lilongwe.

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