Michael Oluronbi, a Cherubim and Seraphim pastor based in Birmingham United Kingdom (U.K) and his wife Juliana Oluronbi have been sentenced to 34 years in prison for rape and sexual assault.

Reports reaching this publication indicate that the pastor had been indulged in the act for over 20 years with the help of his wife who would usually set the stage for the ploy.

It was also revealed that he would deceive his victims that they were possessed by evil spirit. And would convince them to perform a ‘spiritual bathing‘, exercise.

During his trial, it was gathered that he had raped at least 88 of his victims.

Judge Sarah Buckingham who presidedthe case accused Oluronbi of replaying the “spiritual bathing exercise” to ‘fulfil his insatiable sexual appetite’.

Adding that ‘he claimed that God was instructing him to conduct holy baths but in reality he was taking advantage of the situation’. And since most of his victims trusted him and others feared him, he refused to stop.

Furthermore, she stated that his actions would be one of the worst cases of sexual abuse of multiple children to ever come before the courts’.

Credit : Naija News

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