Information Minister Mark Botomani has expressed concern over fake news on the deadly coronavirus outbreak.

Botomani said this on March 10, during a press briefing at Mount Soche in Blantyre where a special cabinet committee on Coronavirus was giving an update to the media on the matter.

In his remarks, Botomani said media being the forth arm of government is regarded as one of the strong tools of spreading information based on facts.

“As government, we believe media plays a critical role in informing and educating the public on various issues including that of coronavirus which is a public concern at the moment,” said Botomani.


However, Botomani said that it is worrisome to see that some media houses are spreading fake news concerning coronavirus by misinforming people hence, causing public alarm

“Always seek clarification whenever you do not understand in order for you to disseminate facts. We will be covering on weekly basis to discuss and update Malawians on mechanisms we are undertaking to prepare and respond to Coronavirus,” Botomani said.

The Special Cabinet Committee on Coronavirus has been established to look upon and receive updates on Coronavirus and alert Malawians as well as putting proactive measures.

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