The Human Rights Defenders Coalation (HRDC) has said its members will join the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) demonstrations on Thursday.

The HRDC planned to hold protests today, demanding the immediate release of arrested activists but the grouping has cancelled the demos to pave way for court proceedings and has endorsed the MCP demos.

Today, the Supreme Court of Appeal will start hearing the application of stay order by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) and President Peter Mutharika against Constitutional Court Judgment.

The activists who have been arrested are Chairperson Timothy Mtambo, vice chairperson Gift Trapence and member Macdonald Sembereka.

Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday, HRDC member Luke Tembo, said they will continue demonstrating according to the law of this country.

“As HRDC we do not wake up on a certain day and start demonstrations, we follow the rule of law,” he said

Meanwhile, the arrested activists are expected to appear in court today.

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