A suspected coronavirus patient who made international headlines after escaping from a Zimbabwe hospital where he was supposed to be tested for the deadly disease is now back in isolation.
The 26-year-old Thailand man who escaped from Harare’s Wilkins Infectious Diseases Hospital on Sunday has now handed himself over to the hospital after the authorities had launched a manhunt for him. The patient handed himself over on Tuesday morning and is currently being monitored by medical personnel at the hospital.

The development was confirmed by the City of Harare Health Director, Dr Prosper Chonzi.  Dr Chonzi told ZTN.

“We are keeping him until we get results. Physically his temperature is normal and he doesn’t have any symptoms. The police are happy that he is now back at Wilkins Hospital,” he said

The results of the tests for the Coronavirus, which has since been renamed Covid-19 by the World Health Organisations are expected before the end of the day as per state broadcaster, ZBC.

The Thailand national is reported to have travelled from his country  20 days ago and was supposed to undergo Covid- 19 tests at Wilkins Hospital.  This came about after he was deemed to be exhibiting some symptoms of the coronavirus.

City Health Director, Dr Prosper Chonzi,  went on to say that the man was referred to Wilkins Hospital for further assessment after his temperature was recorded to be elevated at  38.6 degrees Celcius. The patient who was accompanied by his father and two other men arrived at Wilkins Hospital on Sunday but they all disappeared before the screening process was conducted.

After failing to locate the man, the health officials enlisted the help of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) before proceeding to an address in Mount Pleasant which the patient had given as his residential address.  However, the visit was unfruitful as the patient was nowhere to be found.

The authorities then liaised with officials from the Immigration Department who revealed that the man had given another address in Pomona suburb, which the police and the health officials duly visited.  However, it was to no avail again.

While the authorities continued to be on high alert and on the lookout for the Thailand national, he showed up at the Wilkins Hospital on Tuesday morning.

Dr Chonzi reassured the nation saying that the 14-day incubation period has already lapsed which means that the chances that the Thailand National has the dreaded Covid 19 disease are very slim.

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