Lawyers in Malawi have petitioned the President of Malawi Society to call for an extra-ordinary meeting where they will ask him to RESIGN and step down as their leader together with Secretary of Malawi Law Society, Martha Kaukonde and Vice President of Malawi Law Society, Patrick Mpaka for failure to run affairs of the Law Society.

Lawyers are asking Mhango and his team to resign for-

1. Failure to defend and promote local lawyers by encouraging MEC to hire South Africa Lawyers to represent MEC in the Constitutional Case while there are many capable lawyers in Malawi

2. Failure to properly represent lawyers as Malawi Law Society as Friends of the Court in the Constitutional Case. The Law Society completely failed to offer proper advice to the Court and Mhango and his team have failed to produce a report.

3. Undermining Women Lawyers Association

4. Failure by Malawi Law Society to offer legal advice to Malawians on critical issues affecting the country especially matters affecting the weak and the vulnerable.

5. The leadership of the Law Society losing trust from Members of Malawi Law Society as Lawyers in Malawi.

Counsel Burton Mhango is a blood brother to former Attorney General Charles Mhango,who is among the leading legal counsel for Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika in the on-going appeal case at Supreme Court and he is also among the senior officials in the governing Democratic Progressive Party

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