A Hatcliffe woman was so hurt when she learned that her married son was having an adulterous affair with a woman whom she does not approve of that she tried to kill herself.

When Susan Mutunha learned that her son Lennox Piyasi was engaged in an extramarital affair with Faith Magadu, she decided to show her disapproval conclusively. Mutunha went to Magadu’s place of residence where downed rat poison.  She was rushed to a nearby hospital where spent an entire week recuperating.

Unfortunately for Mutunha, her efforts were all in vain because her son Piyasi still deserted his wife and three children to move in with Magadu.   Narrating her ordeal, the hurt mother said,

 “I am a mother, all I wanted was for my son to see how serious I was about the issue.

 We were once neighbours with Magadu, and I know her very well; she is not good for my son.

 I don’t want to see my grandchildren suffering because of poor decisions made by their father.

I was trying to stop the nonsense before it got worse.”

Mutunha insisted that she will never accept Magadu as her daughter-in-law,

 “I am optimistic that my son will stop the affair soon.  When a man starts cheating, his life and behaviour changes. I am positive that he will listen because I can’t accept Magadu as my daughter-in-law; never!”

Curiously, one of Mutunha’s relatives claimed that they suspected that Magadu was using charms to lure Piyasi because she had once dated his older brother.

 “Magadu could have used charms on Piyasi, we need the holy spirit’s intervention here.”

Magadu refused to comment on the matter. However, her mother said that she was relieved that her potential new in-law had survived the suicide attempt. Faith’s mother, Mai Magadu said,

 “We don’t want to keep talking about the same incident over and over again. I’m surprised with how the incident unfolded.

 “It looked like a joke, now she has recovered and we are hearing she is back at work, its good news. It wouldn’t paint a good picture knowing she died at my house.

 “She was like, ‘ndauya kuzofira pano, mwana wenyu akuramba kusiyana nemwana wangu,” according to reports.

 “I also tried to hear what my daughter did to her, but she said nothing. I also don’t know why she doesn’t like her. Besides, it is not my daughter who approached her son.

 “It is also not my daughter who moved in with her son, it is actually the other way round. Besides these are two grown-ups. They aren’t kids, what can Ido. People always look for someone to blame, I don’t know where I am wrong here,”

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