Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Kondwani Nankhumwa has advised Mulanje farmers not to sell their produce to vendors as the government will open Agriculture and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) doors in April.

Nankhumwa said this on Thursday when he visited farmers cooperative in Mulanje Bale at Thembe school in the area of T/A Mambuka.

He said, government wants to protect farmers from businessmen who buy produce especially maize from farmers soon after harvesting at low prices with the hope of selling it when the prices are high during lean season.

“My appeal to you is to be patient and not rush for quick cash by selling your produce to these people. ADMARC will be opening its doors next month, April, and that is where you can sell your produce for better prices to improve your families,” he said.

Farmers had invited Nankhumwa to come and cherish the range of problems particularly in fish, pigeon peas farming and animal husbandry.

Meanwhile, Nankhumwa has promised the people of Bale that he will persuade the government to construct a tarmac road from Nanthombozi to Lunchenza to ensure that farmers have easy access to markets and electricity connection to create more business opportunities for the people in the district.

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