Spokesperson of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Nicholas Dausi has responded to United Transformation Movement (UTM) allegations that they are witches and wizards.

Yesterday during UTM political rally on Sunday at Njamba Freedom Park, speakers labeled DPP as a party of witches following remarks by the party’s Secretary general Grezelder Jeffery.

According to Jeffrey when she addressed people at the same place a week ago she warned Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) members that she would deal with them if they proceed with their plans of shutting down state house in their next demonstrations.

According to Jeffrey, referring herself as a witch said a male wizard is far more better that a female witch.

“Enough is enough a female witch is more dangerous than a male wizard, if a female witch says I will deal with you, she will simply kill you,” said Jeffrey.

Responding to the allegations, Dausi said it is wrong to label all DPP members as witches.

“This is very unfortunate that we are now called witches. We are not. UTM has no grounds to call us names and castigate us,” complains Dausi.

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