Police in Uganda are holding a man who allegedly burnt three churches in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District.

Reagan John Ngobi, is accused of torching St. Noah Catholic Church Kasokoso, Liberty Church of Christ International and God’s Tour Promising Church at the weekend.

The fire at St. Noah Catholic Church Kasokoso destroyed books, bibles, alter wine, curtains and plastic chairs.

Preliminary investigations indicate that the suspect broke a window to access St. Noah Church.

He allegedly piled the items, doused them in petrol and set them ablaze.

Mr Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesperson, said that the suspect surrendered to police while brandishing three knives.

According to Mr Owoyesigyire, the suspect confessed to have torched the churches because they preach the gospel of prosperity yet he’s poor.

Police say that the suspect used two litres of petrol and one litre of paraffin to accomplish his mission.

Mr Owoyesigyire said that the suspect told detectives that he carried the knives for self-defence in case anybody tried to stop him.

According to Mr Owoyesigyire, the suspect will be subjected to a medical check-up to establish his mental state.

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