For quite some time now there have been reports circulating online, especially on social media which suggests that Black people possess some special immunity to the corona virus.

The rumors state that people with an African bloodline in their family history, have special antibodies that help them fight off the corona virus.

If such a claim, that people from African backgrounds are more resistant to corona virus than others, were true, one would expect it to be a major news story.

Instead, it’s being reported exclusively in viral social media posts and junk sites.

The danger is that sometimes we become slavish toys in the claws of technologies we had created to serve us. It is important to go beyond the viral social media posts and stories we hear to learn more about things.

The Virus, which has caused a lot of pain and death in China and Europe, could take Africa by surprise if its people do not take seriously, the necessary precautions and advice from health professionals. We should not underestimate the devastating impact of the corona virus.

So far, there has been no independent study that confirms that Black people are either immune or are more resistant to the corona virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that anyone (regardless of race) who comes into close contact with someone infected with the corona virus is at risk for contracting it.

Decades of research have found that Africans are the most genetically diverse people on earth. The genetic diversity of people from other continents is just “a subset of the diversity within Africa”, say researchers who have built Africa’s biggest genome library.

This means Africans have no single “blood genetic composition” that can “resist” the Covid-19 virus. This is a new virus and very little is known about it.

There is no scientific research that confirms the claim that African blood composition or black skin resist corona virus.” The World Health Organization publishes daily situation reports on the Covid-19 outbreak.

These give statistics of cases and deaths, and a run-down on new developments such as promising leads in the search for a vaccine or cure. None of these reports mention that African blood, or black skin, make people immune to the disease.

As governments across the world grapple with the Corona virus outbreak, WHO has reiterated the need to enhance surveillance and response activities and share critical information, as being essential to containing the outbreak and strengthening health systems.

It is very important to stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, which is available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority.

COVID-19 is still affecting most people in China with some outbreaks in other countries. Most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others.

Those with any chronic respiratory condition who get either the common or the novel corona virus also become more prone to getting another additional bacterial infection or virus, which increases the chances of severe illness or death.

Youths seem to be protective. The WHO mission reported a relatively low incidence in people under 18, who made up only 2.4% of all reported cases.

The age-related death risk probably reflects the strength, or weakness, of the respiratory system. Age increases the risk that the respiratory system will shut down under viral assault making elderly patients more likely to contract corona virus.

There is a lot of false information flying allover over the corona virus. It is crucial to educate oneself and stay safe.

There is currently no known vaccine to prevent corona virus disease(COVID-19),which makes it necessary to take all precautions and preventive measures seriously to protect yourself from the virus.


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