The out-going Army General Vincent Nundwe expressed lack of knowledge on any wrong doing that may have prompted President Peter Mutharika to eliminate him from Malawi Defense Force (MDF).

Mutharika, who is also MDF Commander, has replaced Nundwe with Major General Peter Andrew Lapken Namathanga.

“I’m not aware of any wrong doing to warrant me the firing,”said Nundwe.

According to Nundwe this is how things are supposed to be, “people are elected in different positions and they can also be removed” adding that he is happy that he was given an opportunity to lead MDF.

“It’s presidential prerogative. Just like Ministers they were appointed but the president dissolved the cabinet. I was appointed and now I am out. I am glad I was accorded this opportunity,” he explained.

Nundwe was appointed General to head MDF as soldiers popular choice to replace General Griffin Spoon Phiri who was appointed national security adviser, maintains that the military role is to protect the Constitution order.

The army under the leadership of Nundwe has been hailed for protecting protesters who have been calling for electoral justice, following last year’s disputed presidential elections.

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