Director of National parks and World Life Brighton Kunchedwa has asked the general public to refrain from consuming bush meat in order to prevent the spread viruses from world-life to people.

The director spoke this during a launch of a campaign aimed at sensitizing people to stop consuming bush meat at the time the world is battling the corona virus pandemic that is being believed that it has been transmitted from animals to humans.

“We have launched this campaign to sensitize the general public, to say it is not acceptable in this country to consume bush meat. Bush meat is not good as we speak because it carries diseases for example the number of outbreaks that have happened, they have been connected to existence of world animals like the corona virus that is going through out the globe.

“So what we are saying in this campaign is stop poaching, stop eating bush meat, stop illegal trafficking of world animals because it carries dangerous diseases,” he urged.

He added that they want to safeguard the lives of people and world-life.

According to the scientist, it is believed that corona virus was spread from world-life animals including bats and snakes.

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