In consideration of the safety and well-being of Honourable Members of Parliament and Staff, the Parliament of Malawi has taken steps that are aimed at preventing infection and spread of the Coronavirus, Covid-19.

In a memo addressed to all Members of Parliament and members of staff, Speaker Right Honourable Catherine Gotani Hara, MP is advising all stakeholders to observe precautionary measures until the current situation of the Coronavirus declines.

Among others, the Speaker is urging Members of Parliament and Secretariat staff to self-isolate for 14 days upon returning from foreign trips to countries that have registered Coronavirus cases.

“Foreign travel will be restricted to essential or emergency travel. All expected travel will therefore only be undertaken on meeting the set restrictions otherwise the travel will be postponed to a later date if possible and where travel has been undertaken, the person will be subjected to the measures above,” reads part of the memo.

She urges all Members of Parliament and Secretariat staff to practice healthy habits such as covering the mouth with tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing, washing hands with soap and water, avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, ensuring good ventilation and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.

The Memo further says that Parliament will continue providing handwashing soaps in all sanitary rooms and this will be extended to other areas of the Parliament Building in line with Ministry of Health guidelines.

“Parliament of Malawi remains committed to enhance your health and safety and that of the general public. Always remember that prevention is better than cure, and this begins with you,” the Speaker emphasizes.

(Sourced from Parliament of Malawi Facebook page)

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