Malawians on the social media have applauded former Speaker of the National Assembly Henry Chimunthu Banda for refusing to take up the ministerial post under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

Mutharika on Thursday released a 32 member Cabinet and he offered Chimunthu Banda the Ministry of Natural resources and Mining.

But Banda rejected the offer.

Speaking in an interview with Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) Banda said he was not consulted by the President.

Just after the news broke out, some Malawians took the issue to social media applauding Chimunthu Banda for rejecting the offer.

Ephraim Justice M wrote: “He is an honourable man! He likely know that the appointments are not of good faith! Nanga kusankha mchacha ndi Jeff chifukwa chotukwana pa public rally ayi izi the gentleman chimunthu Banda sangalole ayi.”

Concurring with Ephraim’s remarks Charles Dungadunga wrote: “Chimuthu Banda is a matured person and he knows what it cost after leaving from the office. Some people who have been holding these various ministerial posts have embezzled some money meant for developments. The person to answer will be these appointed ministers.”

“Those that have been at the posts will be implicating the appointed ones.The maturity is also coming looking at the current situation that Malawi as a nation is experiencing in terms of political tensions that Malawi is undergoing. Chimuthu Banda has shown a special spirit of not loving money contrary to those that have been chosen.”

On his part Frances Nyirenda wrote: “Very clever chimunthu you can’t be minister only for few weeks. He knows DPP can’t win this time.”

Another concerned citizen identified as Hanock Viny Go Man wrote: “Chimuthu is too smart to be used like muthalika’s a garden tool, muthalika did not pick Chimuthu in his first cabinet because of his personal hatred against Chimuthu, now zithu zathina muthalika wants to use most intellectual Chimuthu just like a condom, well done Mr Banda asove muthalika, Kamulepu has lost his mind.”

Andy S. Mwale wrote: “There is bad blood between Mutharika and Chimunthu from 2009 when Chimunthu was positioning himself to take over from Bingu after his second and final term. Chimunthu has never forgiven Pitala.”

Meanwhile Mutharika is yet to comment on the matter.

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