Government has asked United Transformation Movement (UTM) and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) to cancel their coronavirus sensitization tours, saying it is the responsibility of health personnel.

In a press statement seen by Face of Malawi reporter, Minister of information Mark Botomani said it is inappropriate for UTM and MCP to involve themselves in coronavirus message development and dissemination without any orientation by the Ministry of Health.

“Incorrect information is a setback to the fight against coronavirus. In addition, even correct information developed and disseminated wrongly, is a danger as well.

“Government would like to ask UTM and MCP to cancel their coronavirus sensitization tours and allow the Ministry of Health officials to take lead,” said Botomani.

In the statement, Botomani added that UTM and MCP, must never use coronavirus for political gains arguing that People’s lives are at risk and, for once, parties should leave politics aside and think Malawi first.

The statement further urged all political parties in the country considering involving themselves in the fight against Covid-19 to contact the Ministry of Health for guidance.

“Government expects UTM, MCP and indeed any other party with similar ideas to adhere to this call by seeking guidance from Ministry of Health.

Malawians are reminded that Covid-19 is a serious and divesting pandemic which has affected the whole world. The law enforcement agencies will, therefore, deal with anyone who will disregard the orders as outlined by His Excellency the State President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika in his national address on COVID-19 last week.”

Government has however asked Malawians to act responsibly in managing this pandemic even though the country has not yet registered any case.

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