The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and water Development wishes to inform the general public that it has clinically confirmed an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in cattle at Kulanga Section, Sharpe Valley Extension Planning Area (EPA)in Ntcheu District within Lilongwe Agriculture Development Division (ADD).

The disease was reported on 10th March, 2020 . Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious viral disease that mostly affects cattle and has very devastating socio-economic consequences if not timely controlled.

Preliminary Investigation conducted by veterinary officials has reported 7 clinical cases out of 128 cattle examined in the affected kholas.

Atotal of over 1000 cattle is at immediate risk within the affected area and the immediate surrounding areas. Detailed investigations are still on going to establish the magnitude of spread and map the extent of the problem.

In conformity with the Control and Animal Diseases Act (Cap 66:02), and the World Animal Health organisation guidelines, the Ministry has with immediate effect instituted the following measures in the affected area:

● The temporary suspension of all livestock (cattle, goats, sheep and pigs) markets

● Temporary ban of all livestock (cattle, goats, sheep and pigs) slaughters ●

Restriction of livestock and livestock products movement. ● Temporary ban on issuance of livestock permits

● Sensitisation of the communities on the disease The Ministry is currently working around the clock to contain the disease and will continue updating the general public on the situation from time to time.

The Ministry is therefore urging the livestock farmers and the general public to cooperate with its officials and security agents during the implementation of these measures.

For more information and clarification, please contact the following Officials Dr Patrick Chikungwa, Director of Animal Health and Livestock Development (0888371509 ) or Dr Gilson Njunga, Deputy Director of Animal Health and Field Services (0995910460) Gray S.V.K Nyandule Phiri Secretary foe Agriculture, Irrigation and Water development 23/03/2020

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