Police in Lilongwe on Thursday rescued a man from an angry mob, suspected to have stolen a goat.

The suspect who was identified as Isaac Ganizani, 32,  owns a butchery at Mtandire Market and was caught on this particular night while stealing a goat at Chimphangu Village, Chinsapo, in the city of Lilongwe.

It is claimed that the suspect connived with his two friends, David Meke and Josephy  and were seen handing over a goat to Ganizani.

When seen, people started chasing them and managed to catch Ganizani who they beat up and set on fire.

Fortunately, police moved in swiftly to rescue the suspected goat rustler and took him to Kamuzu Central Hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, a manhunt has been launched to apprehend the remaining two suspects.

Isaac Ganizani hails from Guwani Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nazombe in Phalombe District,

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