As a preventive measure to the Covid-19 epidemic, Balaka District Hospital has engaged traditional leaders and other local governance structures such as area development committees with the aim of empowering them to raise awareness about the disease.

Speaking on Wednesday during a series of meetings in traditional authorities (T/As) Nsamala, Mpirisi and Kapalamula in the district, Health Promotion Officer (HPO) for Balaka, Mercy Nyirendasaid despite the country not registering any case of coronavirus, there was need for everyone to be vigilant.

“We all know that many countries have been affected with the coronavirus including our neighbouring countries; hence, the threat of the outbreak in the country,” she said. “The epidemic is transmitted through direct contact with the dropletssuch as coughing and sneezing as well as body fluids such as blood, sweat and saliva.”

“As custodians, let us advocate for hygiene practices by making sure that people are frequently washing their hands with soap as well as encouraging them to seek medical attention whenever they have fever, dry cough, sore throat, diarrhoea, among other signs and symptoms,” Nyirenda added.

Nyirenda asked chiefs to report foreigners who maydeliberately opt to use the uncharted routes.In his remarks, T/A Nsamala described the awareness campaign as timely, saying the information provided would go a long way to save lives of the masses.

Source : MANA

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