Newly appointed Minister of Lands Housing and Urban Development Kamlepo Kalua looks so busy on the grounds as on Thursday he toured various projects site in the capital Lilongwe.

Kalua who was fierce critic of President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s led government before being appointed as Cabinet Minister visited a site for the United Nations Capital Hill where the UN Village will be constructed and the new area 43 where urban houses will be built.

Speaking to the press after touring the two sites, Kalua promised to deal illegal land owners in the country.

“Overall, Our vision is to see more Malawians owning land and constructing modern houses and buildings that are inline with our President’s vision. It is government’s wish to see that its citizens are the first beneficiaries of land and I will make sure that priority is given to Malawians,” said Kalua.

Kalua also said his ministry will summon all suspected encroaches from various parts of the country to be heard before government takes drastic measures in order to reverse the situation.

The Rumphi East Member of Parliament was once in bad books of President Mutharika for branding his government as the most corrupt.

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