Police in Mulanje are keeping custody a 23 year old man for stealing a motor vehicle valued at K3.4 million.

Sub Inspector Gresham Ngwira, public relations officer for Mulanje Police Station said the suspect identified as Selemani stole a Toyota Sienta belonging to Patuma Tebulo.

According to Ngwira, Tebulo told the police that on Thursday, March 27 she went to Chinakanaka trading Centre in the district for shopping.

While there, the suspect, Selemani, approached her asking for employment as a taxi driver but Tebulo refused to offer him.

Surprisingly, on March 28 at about 5am Selemani went to the woman’s home with the same issue.

Tebulo informed her husband who also told the suspect that the family does not want a driver.

Soon after the suspect left, Tebulo started off to Nkando trading center to buy some items. While passing at the gate, she found the suspect who requested for a lift to Nkhonya, his home village.

Upon reaching the place, the suspect cheated Tebulo that there were four people interested to hire the car to Phalombe but the woman ignored this and instead forced him to drop there.

To her dismay, when she arrived at Nkando, she found that the suspect was already there.

While there, the owner had difficulty to park the car due to congestion and the suspect offered to help her. However, instead of parking it, Selemani drove off the vehicle, going towards Mulanje Boma, said Ngwira.

After receiving the report, police followed up the issue and found the suspect at Midima Turn Off. The law enforcers arrested him and recovered the vehicle.

Selemani who hails from Nkhonya village, senior chief Chikumbu in Mulanje will appear in court soon.

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