Mangochi First Grade Magistrate Court on March 24, 2020 convicted and sentenced Idi Abdul (40) to four years imprisonment with hard labour for wounding his 71-year old father.

Mangochi Police deputy publicist, Sub Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi, said State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Grace Mindozo told court that on the evening of February 8, 2020 the accused went to his father’s compound and found him chatting with grandchildren and demanded for food.

“He was told that there was no food in the house. He then became violent to the extent of scattering things in the house including the little maize flour then left.

“A few minutes later, he returned with an axe and hacked his father on the forehead and shoulder before running away and was apprehended the next day at Idrus Roadblock,” narrated Daudi.

Abdul pleaded not guilty in court prompting the state to parade three witnesses who testified against him.

In mitigation, he asked the court for leniency but Prosecutor Mindozo prayed for a stiffer sentence saying his conduct cannot be tolerated in the society.

Passing judgment, First Grade Magistrate Roy Kakutu, concurred with the state hence sentenced him to Four years IHL to deter other would be offenders.

Abdul hails from Bwanali Village, Traditional authority Chowe in Mangochi.

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