Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) said that they will include sensitization messages pertaining to Corona virus in regard for preparations for the freshpresidential polls.

MEC Commissioner Moffat Banda made the remarks on Sunday when the Commission conducted a day long training of 66 Constituency Civic and Voter Education Assistants (CCVEAs) from across the country in Kasungu District.He said the campaign plays a significant and easy platform where people from rural communities could have access to messages and information about the pandemic.

“As we all know that people from the suburb find it hard to access important information and messages about a particular topic in circulation,” Banda said.

He said the Commission decided to simultaneously take these sensitization campaigns together, because these electorate are very vital in our election processes.

The Commissioner highlighted that the commissionhas put in place measures that would ensure maximum safety of their workers to avoid spread orcontact of the virus.

The training was aimed at drilling CCVE as with skills and knowledge in order to remain impartial, diligent and with integrity, when exercising their duties in different communities across the country.

Source; MANA

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