Redbrick Limited is an investment Limited Company which is based in Blantyre.

The company’s directors, Maaz Batatawala and Sabina Batatawala together with its members of staff thought wise to lend a hand in fighting against Covid-19 pandemic.

In its Corporate and social Responsibility, Redbrick Limited has donated assorted Covid-19 prevention materials to Queens Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) as it treats a large population of Blantyre patients and others around in the fight against the deadly virus (Covid-19)

Speaking to FaceofMalawi publication, Jamie De Silva, Sales and Marketing Manager of the company said the donation which amounts to K1, 500,000 will be a great help to fight the virus (Covid-19).

“This is one of many donations our company is preparing to donate and we expect to do more donations to district hospitals in the upcoming weeks which will amount to k1, 500,000 with materials help prevent the deadly virus (covid-19),said Silva.”


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