By Lovemore Katanda

Chewa Heritage Foundation (CHEFO) Youth Southern chapter has donated Covid-19 related preventive materials such as face masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, soap and others disinfectants to their fellow youths in senior chief chapananga in chikhwawa district as a response in a fight against pandemic.

Speaking during the function CHEFO youth vice chairperson Agripa Moyo said he is optimistic that donation will go in a long way in helping people in the area in a fight against the deadly pandemic.

Moyo further said the grouping decided to take a spontaneous initiative after realizing that people in the villages do not know much on how they can do to avoid contracting disease that has claimed more lives across the world.

“we came to tell our fellow youths that corona virus is real hence people need to follow all preventives measures government has put in place like washing hands with soap regularly, avoid overcrowding and observing social distance,” said Moyo.

He said government alone cannot manage to go every corner of the country hence the need by both state and stakeholders for more interventions.

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