Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) has distanced itself from a letter hovering on the social media asking the ministry of education to move swiftly in preparing April salaries for teachers in the wake of the ordered lockdown by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

Earlier this week, the social media was awash with a letter from TUM dated April 14, 2020 demanding April salaries before the commencement of the lockdown.

“Minister of education must be aware that most teachers in Malawi are working far from their home of origin and TUM is aware that salaries received last month cannot take teachers through this lockdown period, hence our demand,” reads in part the letter signed by signed by the organization’s President Willie Malimba and secretary general Charles Kumchedwa.

But speaking in an interview with one of the local media houses in the country, Charles Kumchenga Secretary General denies issuing the letter.
He said government normally prepares salaries for civil servants on 15th every month.

Kumchenga has since said the people who issued the communication have ill intentions.

Government announced that the country will go on a lockdown effective Saturday the 18th of April up to 9th of May in the wake of the spreading Covid-19.

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